Senior Project Final Project

Zoë Jones
2 min readMay 3, 2021

For our final projects, we were supposed to do a project that we felt showcased our work best. For mine, I chose to do a multimedia story.

For my topic, I chose homelessness in our community and how the pandemic has affected the population. Below is my video package and my article.

The COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on several people all over the globe.

From deaths in the family, job loss, and more, people everywhere had to deal with these unprecedented times. For the homeless population in St. Joseph, they’ve seen their fair share of struggles, but with the pandemic has been both a good and bad thing for them.

Director of Community Action Partnership, Rachael Bittiker, said that the population was struggling far before the pandemic.

“They were struggling before the pandemic,” Bittiker said. “You know, we have mental health issues, drug and substance abuse issues, we have a lot of trauma that’s caused a lot of individuals to stay here, and be homeless for long periods of time.”

Bittiker said that because of these daily battles, it can leave the population feeling alone and like they have no where to go. But the havens and shelters in town have been working hard to find ways to help out.

Executive Director of Community Missions, Krista Kiger, said that if someone comes to the haven looking for help, they work hard to find a place available whether it be with them or at another location. She said that her relationship with God is what helps her focus on her mission to help.

“We are to care for folk,” Kiger said. “We have a shared humanity. The person living on the street is a child of God and so am I.”

Both the Community Action Partnership and the St. Joseph Haven buildings have spots for people to sleep, eat, shower, relax and much more. Some of the people who stay in the shelters have jobs with the organizations, which helps the people get money to do whatever they please.

James Owings has been at the Haven for almost eight months and works part time as a janitorial staff member. Owings said that he’s grateful for the Haven and all that they’ve done for him.

“I’m not homeless now, and I got a job,” Owings said. “The homeless have an attitude that they don’t care and no one cares about them or anything, but there is people out there that does care about them.”

People who are interested in learning more about the shelters and havens and how they can help are encouraged to reach out to any of the organizations.



Zoë Jones

Zoë Jones is Convergent Journalism major at Missouri Western State University. She loves journalism, naps, and her dogs.